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international kite festival

International Kite Festival:

Kites are flown all over the world with much enthusiasm and zeal. Kite flying is considered to be a sport as well as hobby for many across the globe. Kitists from all over the world conduct International Kite festival in their countries where they invite kite clubs, individual kitists to fly different kites with them. International kite festival provide a platform for kitists all over the world to bond and share thier expertise on kite flying and making. The kite festivals pave way for kite flyers to showcase their huge enormous kites and kite flying skills. These festivals also are a medium for kite flyers to get in touch with one another and share ideas, expand business opportunities across borders. International kite festivals have now gained much popularity and now become one of the tourism attraction too. In India Ahmadabad and Hyderabad conduct International kite festival every year in month of January.

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